Monday, April 23, 2012

10 Management Tips for Managing Difficult People

10 Management Tips for Managing Difficult People By Colleen Kettenhofen Republish: EasyPublish™ Published: 19Mar2008 Word count: 1196 Viewed: 13631 time(s) Get Free Content For Your Site "When managing difficult people, if it isn't written down, it's as if it didn't happen." Colleen Kettenhofen Many managers and supervisors are promoted to management positions based on their hard skills. Yet few of them have had training in the area of managing people. Especially managing difficult people. In conducting seminars on managing people, one challenge I hear managers and supervisors face is how to manage a difficult employee. You can't control them, but you can control their environment in the hopes of coaching the employee to better performance. Here are 10 Management Tips for Managing Difficult People: 1. Document, document, document. As far as the courts are concerned, if it isn't written down it's as if it didn't happen. Even if you have a prospective employee sign a form saying they know they can be terminated at any time, without cause, and without warning or reason. You never want to terminate without proper documentation. Terminating an employee without cause, reason, or prior warning, can make it easier for the difficult person to win a wrongful termination lawsuit. 2. Document training and coaching when managing difficult people. Any type of training you provide for your difficult employee is considered coaching. In managing difficult people, many managers assume the documentation is to build a case for termination. It is not! It's really to show everything you did to try and salvage the difficult employee. This includes any and all training. Whether you trained the employee, someone else trained them, or you sent them to a seminar to be coached to better performance. 3. Avoid the word "attitude." In managing difficult people, why would you want to avoid saying something like, "Pat, I don't like your attitude?" Because it's too subjective. It's not specific enough. 4. Focus instead on specific behaviors or the quality of their work. For example, what should you do if every time you delegate a special project to the difficult person, they fold their arms, exhale loudly, roll their eyes, and sarcastically mutter under their breath, "Okay, whatever?!" You would want to say in a low controlled tone something like, "Pat, every time I delegate a special project to you, the arms are folded, you're rolling your eyes, muttering under your breath, 'Okay, whatever.' What seems to be the cause of this?" Notice I listed specific behaviors. So focus on facts. 5. Be objective, not subjective. As mentioned, when managing difficult people, be objective by mentioning specific behaviors, or specific declines in their work. For example, when documenting the employee's "attitude," you might document the following: "Every time I delegated a special project to Pat so-and-so, he/she would fold their arms, exhale loudly, roll their eyes, and mutter under their breath, "Okay, whatever!" Now, if this were read by a jury, or your Human Resources department, they would have a clear picture of this person's attitude. "When managing difficult people, it's imperative that you make their goals and objectives measurable, specific, quantifiable, and in writing for accountability." 6. Provide specific examples of the behavior or quality of work you want. Put it in writing for accountability. When managing difficult people, it's imperative that as their manager or supervisor, you're making their goals and objectives clear. For example, if they're doing clerical work, they are to, "Correct and proofread all required reports for the quality control department." Or if they're in customer service, and example of a measurable, quantifiable, specific goal would be that they are to, "Respond to all customer complaints within 48 hours of receiving them." If they're in manufacturing, they are to, "Produce 35% more wingbats by December 15 of this year." You get the idea. 7. Be aware of how you present yourself. When managing difficult people, remember, you are their role model. Be aware of your eye contact. Typically look at the person for two to five seconds. You don't want to stare at them bug eyed! But you also don't want to avoid looking at them because you'll come across as too passive, too wishy-washy. They'll sense you're fearful of confrontation. Having lots of eye contact can be difficult for some people because in some cultures, children are brought up that it's disrespectful to have eye contact with their elders. It can be difficult to unlearn these habits. Also, watch your tone of voice. Use a low controlled tone. Be aware of your body language, too. Study after study shows that fully 93% of what people notice and believe about you in face-to-face communication is based on your tone and body language. 8. Be very clear and concise in spelling out the consequences of what could happen if they don't improve. For example, if this is a verbal warning, you might say to the employee, "You know our policy here, and right now this is a verbal warning. As it says in our handbook, if there isn't sustainable and maintained improvement including and beyond the next thirty days, it could result in further disciplinary action. Or, it could even result in termination." In managing difficult people, one of the golden rules is you don't want the employee to ever be able to say that they "weren't warned." Or, "I didn't know. You didn't tell me that." 9. Get at the root cause of what is causing the employee to be difficult in the first place. For example, do they simply not like their job? Would they rather be in a different department? Are there personal issues going on with the difficult person that you need to know about? While it's not your business to know what they do outside of work, it is your business if it's something that's affecting their work performance. You can simply say to the difficult person, "Is everything okay? Is there anything going on that I need to know about? Because this drop in performance just doesn't seem like you. As your manager/supervisor I want to see you succeed. And I've noticed a real decline in the quality of your work, for example...." Then, give very specific examples. Remember, be objective not subjective. Focus on facts. Attack the problem not the difficult person. Attack the behavior not the person. In managing difficult people, a lot of this is common-sense. Yet, as mentioned earlier, most managers, supervisors and team leaders are promoted to leadership positions based on the fact that they were doing a great job. But that doesn't mean they know how to instinctively manage difficult people. 10. In managing difficult people, have follow up performance-related meetings with the difficult employee. First, it's what the courts want to see. Second, it does the employee a great disservice if they make a big turn-around and you don't acknowledge it. Have a date and a time in writing for when you and the difficult person are going to meet again. And do meet! According to research one of the main reasons employee improvement plans fail is lack of follow-up on the part of the manager. "When managing difficult people, most of us know what to do. We just don't always 'do' with what we know." Colleen Kettenhofen Colleen Kettenhofen is an Arizona motivational speaker,author and workplace expert. She is co-author of The Masters of Success, featured on NBC's Today Show. For free video clips, articles, e-newsletter visit Colleen is available for keynotes, breakout sessions and seminars. (800)323-0683.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Anak Yang DiPukul Semasa Kecil Lebih Berjaya Dalam Hidup

Anak yang pernah dipukul ketika kecil akan membesar dengan lebih bahagia dan berjaya dalam hidup mereka berbanding dengan mereka yang tidak pernah dipukul semenjak kecil. Demikian hasil kajian yang dijalankan di Amerika oleh Marjorie Gunnoe, seorang pensyarah psychologi di Calvin College, Michigan. Kanak-kanak yang dipukul sehengga umur 6 tahun didapati lebih baik pencapaiannya di sekolahdan mempunyai sikap yang lebih optimistik terhadap kehidupan berbanding dengan mereka yang tidak pernah dipukul ibubapa. Mereka juga lebih senang membuat kerja-kerja sukarela dan amat berminat untuk menyambung pelajaran ke peringkat yang lebih jauh. Bagi mereka yang dipukul sehingga berumur 6 tahun, pencapaian mereka adalah lebih baik dalam segala hal dan sikap mereka adalah lebih terkawal dari segi perkara-perkara negatif. Bagi mereka yang terus dipukul dari 7 tahun ke 11 tahun, pencapaian pelajaran mereka masih lebih baik dari yang tidak pernah dipukul namun dari segi sikap negatif mereka agak ketara seperti terlibat dalan pergaduhan dan sebagainya. Keputusan dari kajian ini mencetuskan kemarahan kepada para pejuang hak kanak-kanak yang meniduh ini akan menggalakan lagi penderaan kanak-kanak. Namun ramai para ibubapa yang bersetuju dengan penemuan tersebut dan mereka sepatutnya perlu memukul anak-anak sekadar yang perlu untuk mengajar. Kita sepatutnya boleh membezakan antara rotan atau pukul anak untuk mengajar dengan menumbuk muka. Tidak sepatutnya aduan polis dilakukan jika seseorang memukul untuk mengajar. Kita di Malaysia semakin terikut-ikut dengan sikap orang barat yang berjuang menjaga hak macam-macam termasuklah hak kanak-kanak sampai tak boleh disentuh lansung. Sedangkan kajian membuktikan sebaliknya, kanak-kanak yang biasa di rotan sebagai mengajar adalah perlu untuk menyediakan mereka kepada kehidupan yang lebih bererti. Jadi para ibubapa jangan sampai tak pukul anak lansung sebab nak ikut barat, kesian dan sebagainya. Tapi jangan pula sampai bertinju dengan anak-anak sampai anak masuk ICU. sumber:

Friday, April 20, 2012

Bagaimana Robert Kiyosaki memahami erti fokus ketika belajar membunuh

Saya sering jumpa tertulis dalam buku motivasi tentang pentingnya fokus jika seseorang itu mahu berjaya. Ramai juga orang-orang tua yang menasihati saya agar sentiasa fokus jika mahu menjadi usahawan yang berjaya. Masalahnya saya tak berapa pasti apa yang dimaksudkan dengan fokus, saya biarkan ia berlalu dengan anggapan saya memang fokus sedangkan saya tak faham apa maksud fokus sebenarnya. Saya terjumpa tulisan Robert Kiyosaki yang menceritakan pengalamannya bagaimana dia mula memahami erti fokus ketika belajar membunuh orang di pusat latihan penerbangan tentera udara Amerika. Setelah lulus dalam latihan sebagai seorang pilot, Robert Kiyosaki memilih untuk menjadi pilot jet pejuang Amerika. Untuk layak menjawat jawatan tersebut dia terpaksa sekali lagi menjalani latihan memandu jet pejuang. Latihan kali ini bukan hanya untuk boleh memandu jet, tetapi bermatlamatkan untuk menjadi pembunuh dengan menembak musuh di darat. Dalam simulasi peperangan, Robert Kiyosaki dibiarkan memandu jet pejuang dengan jurulatihnya duduk di belakang sambil memegang alat permainan kanak-kanak yang panjang. Setiap kali sampai pada kawasan musuh yang tidak henti-henti menembak jet mereka, jurulatihnya akan mula memukul-mukul kepala Robert Kiyosaki dan membuatkannya hilang tumpuan dan marah dan biasanya jet mereka akan kena tembak pada masa itu. Sebaik saja kena tembak jurulatihnya akan berkata, 'you are let us dead...' Robert Kiyosaki lansung tak faham dan mula meluat dengan jurulatihnya, namun setiap kali berlatih itulah yang dibuat oleh jurulatihnya kepada Robert. Selepas tidak berapa lama jurulatihnya memaksa Robert beri tumpuan untuk menembak musuh yang bertalu-talu menembak mereka tetapi dalam masa yang sama masih memukul-mukul mengganggu dirinya ketika berusaha menembak musuh dan seperti biasa mereka akan kena tembak lalu di sambut oleh jurulatihnya dengan berkata, 'engkau membuatkan kita semua mati'. Akhirnya jurulatihnya menerangkan pada Robert jika dia masih tidak berjaya memberikan tumpuan untuk membunuh terlebih dahulu musuh di bawah walaupun ketika sedang dikacau selagi itulah dia tidak akan selamat balik sebagai seorang yang masih hidup. Samada bunuh atau membiarkan diri sendiri terbunuh. Maka Robert akhirnya memberikan tumpuan dan lansung tidak menghiraukan hentakan pada kepalanya biar apapun yang dilakukan oleh jurulatihnya dan dia berjaya menembak musnah musuhnya dibawah. Robert berjaya melalui semua itu sehinggalah dia dihantar berperang di Vietnam dan selamat pulang dari perang sebagai orang yang masih hidup. Itulah saat mula Robert memahami erti fokus dalam mencapai matlamat yang kita kejar. Kalau dalam perniagaan, kita akan sering diganggu dengan berbagai hal yang menghalang tumpuan kita menjayakan perniagaan kita. Saya sering dengar vendor yang saya berikan kerja mengeluh tak dapat beri tumpuan pada kerjanya kerana anak sakit, bini merajuk, kereta nak kena tarik dan berbagai-bagai masalah lagi. Mereka berikan semua alasan itu sebagai sebab gagal melaksanakan tugas mereka. Itu semua hanya meberikan tanda yang orang tersebut hilang fokus, kalau dia menjadi juruterbang jet pejuang, musuh di bawah tak dengar semua alasan seperti itu, dia akan terus menembak dan menembak sehingga kita mati kerana dia sendiri tahu samada dia tembak atau dia ditembak. Sejak itu saya mula faham apa yang orang maksudkan apabila mereka berkata untuk berjaya anda perlu fokus. Jangan biarkan apapun menghalang tumpuan kita untuk mencapai matlamat kita, berjalan dan terus berjalan sehingga anda selamat sampai ke destinasi. sumber:

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Kecerdasan Emosi Bhg 3

Salah satu potensi psikologis manusia yang saat ini mendapat kajian intensif karena
diyakini sebagai salah satu penentu dominant bagi efektif tidaknya kepribadian
seseorang dalam berinteraksi dan mengatasi persoalan hidup sehari-hari adalah
kecerdasan emosi (EQ, Emotional Quotient).

1. Pusat Kecerdasan Emosi dan Kecerdasan Rasional dalam Otak.

Otak manusia adalah massa protoplasma yang paling kompleks yang pernah
dikenal di alam semesta. Organ ini terdiri dari tiga bagian dasar, masing-masing
dengan struktur saraf tugas-tugas tertentu, yang oleh Dr. Paul McLean (1990)
disebut "otak triune". Ketiga bagian tersebut adalah: batang atau otak reptil, sistem
limbik atau otak mamalia, dan neokorteks (Bobbi DePorter & Mike Hernacki;1999).
Dalam buku Quantum Learning dijelaskan bahwa bagian manusia yang disebut otak
mamalia (sistem limbik) bertanggung jawab atas fungsi-fungsi emosional dan
kognitif serta pengaturan bioritme seseorang, seperti pola tidur, lapar, haus,
tekanan darah, gairah seksual, dan metabolisme dalam tubuh. Dalam mekanisme
yang terjadi pada sistem limbik inilah kecerdasan emotional (EI = Emotional
Intelligence, nama lain dari EQ) seseorang ditentukan.
Joseph LeDoux (1992) seorang ahli saraf di Center for Neural Science di New York
University mengungkapkan bahwa dalam saat-saat yang kritis kecerdasan emosi
akan lebih cepat menentukan keputusan dari pada kecerdasan intelektual. Hal itu
sejalan dengan kajian Dr. Jalaluddin Rakhmat (1999) yang menyimpulkan bahwa
kecerdasan emosi sangat mempengaruhi manusia dalam mengambil keputusan.
Bahkan tidak ada satu pun keputusan yang diambil manusia murni dari pemikiran
rasional kerena seluruh keputusan manusia memiliki warna emosional.

2. Konsep Dasar Kecerdasan Emosi

Istilah "Emotional Intelligence, kecerdasan emosional" - selanjutnya disebut
kecerdasan emosi - pertamakali dilontarkan pada tahun 1990 oleh psikolog Peter
Salovey dari Harvard University dan John Mayer dari University of New Hampshire.
Kecerdasan ini berhubungan dengan kualitas-kualitas psikologis tertentu yang oleh
Salovey dikelompokkan ke dalam lima karakter kemampuan:
(1) Mengenali emosi diri; wilayah ini merupakan dasar kecerdasan emosi.
Penguasaan seseorang akan hal ini akan memiliki kepekaan atas pengambilan
keputusan-keputusan masalah pribadi.
(2) Mengelola emosi; kecerdasan emosi seseorang pada bagian ini ditunjukkan
dengan kemampuan untuk menghibur diri sendiri, melepaskan kecemasan,
kemurungan, atau ketersinggungan sehingga dia dapat bangkit kembali dengan
jauh lebih cepat dari kemerosotan dan kejatuhan dalam kehidupan.
(3) Memotivasi diri sendiri; kecerdasan ini berhubungan dengan kamampuan
seseorang dalam membangkitkan hasrat, menguasai diri, menahan diri terhadap
kepuasan dan kecemasan. Keberhasilan dalam wilayah ini akan menjadikan
seseorang cenderung jauh lebih produktif dan efektif dalam hal apa pun yang
mereka kerjakan.
(4) Mengenali emosi orang lain. Berkaitan erat dengan empati, salah satu
kecerdasan emosi yang merupakan "keterampilan bergaul" dasar. Orang yang
empatik lebih mampu menangkap sinyal-sinyal sosial yang tersembunyi yang
mengisyaratkan apa-apa yang dibutuhkan atau dikehendaki orang lain.
(5) Membina hubungan. Seni membina hubungan, menuntut kecerdasan dan
keterampilan seseorang dalam mengelola emosi orang lain. Sangat diperlukan
untuk menunjang popularitas, kepemimpinan, dan keberhasilan antar pribadi.


Kecerdasan Emosi Bhg 2

Kecerdasan Emosi
Daniel Goleman (Emotional Intelligence) menyebutkan bahwa kecerdasan emosi jauh lebih
berperan ketimbang IQ atau keahlian dalam menentukan siapa yang akan jadi bintang dalam
suatu pekerjaan.
Lewat suatu penelitian pelik terhadap lebih dari 500 perusahaan, ia menyimpulkan bahwa -
tidak seperti IQ - EQ dapat diperbaiki, dan kita semua punya potensi untuk melakukannya.
Bagaimana kita dapat meningkatkannya?
1. Membaca situasi
Dengan memperhatikan situasi sekitar Anda, Anda akan mengetahui apa yang harus
2. Mendengarkan dan menyimak lawan bicara
Anda yang selalu merasa benar punya kecenderungan untuk tidak mendengarkan kata orang
lain. Luangkan waktu untuk melakukannya, maka Anda akan tahu apa yang sebenarnya
3. Siap berkomunikasi
Jurus ini memang paling ampuh. Lakukan selalu komunikasi biar pun pada situasi sulit.
4. Tak usah takut ditolak
Ada kalanya orang ragu-ragu bertindak karena takut ditolak orang lain. Sebelum berinisiatif,
sebenarnya Anda cuma punya 2 pilihan: diterima atau ditolak. Jadi, siapkan saja diri Anda.
Yang penting, usaha.
5. Mencoba berempati
EQ tinggi biasanya didapati pada orang-orang yang mampu berempati atau bisa mengerti
situasi yang dihadapi orang lain. Caranya, apalagi kalau bukan mendengarkan dengan baik ?
6. Pandai memilih prioritas
Ini perlu supaya Anda bisa memilih pekerjaan apa yang mendesak, dan apa yang bisa
7. Siap mental
Sikap mental tempe itu sudah ketinggalan zaman. Situasi apa pun yang akan dihadapi, Anda
mesti menyiapkan mental sebelumnya. Ingat, tak ada kesukaran yang tak bisa ditangani.
Paling tidak, Anda sudah berusaha.
8. Ungkapkan lewat kata-kata
Bagaimana orang bisa membaca pikiran Anda kalau Anda diam seribu bahasa? Ungkapkan
pikiran Anda lewat kata-kata yang jelas.
9. Bersikap rasional
Betul, kecerdasan emosi berhubungan dengan perasaan. Tapi, tetap memerlukan pola pikir
yang rasional, apa lagi dalam pekerjaan.
10. Fokus
Konsentrasikan diri Anda pada suatu masalah yang perlu mendapat perhatian. Jangan
memaksa diri melakukannya dalam 4-5 masalah secara bersamaan. Dua atau 3 mungkin
masih bisa ditangani, tapi lebih dari itu, Anda bisa kehabisan energi.
(Source: Hannie,

Kecerdasan Emosi Bhg 1

Emosi boleh ditakrifkan sebagai satu keadaan yang dialami oleh seseorang manusia
yang melibatkan beberapa perubahan proses fisiologi, diri dan psikologi. Perubahan ini
melibatkan satu set tindak balas automatic , visceral iaitu meluap-luap dan komunikasi emosi
seperti ekspresi muka, perkataan , isyarat dan tingkah laku lain yang dipaparkan oleh
seseorang itu. Manusia yang normal dilihat sebagai individu manusia yang mengalami situasi
yang pelbagai dan berkehendakkan reaksi bagi melahirkan emosi yang juga berbeza.

Perasaan dan emosi seperti tangisan, sedih, takut, dan gelak ketawa mencorakkan
warna kehidupan, membentuk sikap dan personality serta menggerakkan arah kehidupan
seseorang manusia.Perkataan emosi ini berasal daripada perkataan Greek “emovere” yang
membawa maksud “untuk keluar”. Maka untuk itu, emosi akan ditonjolkan keluar sebagai
satu bentuk bagi memenuhi kepuasan seseorang.

Selama ini, ramai yang menganggap bahawa jika seseorang individu itu memiliki
tingkat kecerdasan intelektual yang tinggi, maka individu itu akan memiliki peluang untuk
meraih kejayaan yang lebih baik berbanding dengan yang lain. Bagaimanapun, terdapat
banyak kes di mana seseorang yang memiliki tingkat kecerdasan intelektual yang tinggi
tersisih daripada orang yang memiliki intelektual yang rendah. Ini membuktikan bahawa
kecerdasan intelektual yang tinggi tidak menjamin seseorang itu akan meraih kejayaan dalam

Sebaliknya, kecerdasan emosi didapati dapat mengurangkan jurang penyisihan ini.
Kecerdasan emosi boleh dikembangkan seumur hidup melalui proses pembelajaran. Ia lahir
seiring dengan pertumbuhan individu sejak lahir hinggalah seseorang itumeninggal dunia.
Pertumbuhan kecerdasan emosi dipengaruhi oleh keluarga, lingkungan persekitaran dan
contoh-contoh pengalaman yang diperolehi seseorang individu sejak lahir dari kedua ibu
Kecerdasan emosi mempunyai kaitan dengan pelbagai aspek yang dirasakan semakin
sukar dilihat dalam kehidupan manusia yang semakin moden dan maju kini. Antara aspek
yang kecerdasan emosi yang semakin sukar dilihat dalam kehidupan manusia kini adalah
seperti ;

* Empati iaitu memahami orang lain secara mendalam.
 Mengungkapkan dan memahami perasaan.
 Mengendalikan amarah.
 Kemandirian iaitu berdiri dengan sendiri atau berdikari.
 Kemampuan untuk menyesuaikan diri.
 Disukai oleh orang lain.
 Kemammpuan untuk menyelesaikan masalah antara mereka yang berada di sekeliling.
 Semangat setia kawan.
 Keramahan.
 Sikap hormat menghormati.
Kecerdasan emosi bermula sejak kecil dan dengan itu, ibu bapa memiliki peranan yang
penting dalam membina kecerdasan emosi anak-anak.Mereka harus mengajar, mendidik
serta membimbing anak-anak dengan memberikan contoh tauladan yang baik. Bagi
membolehkan anak-anak memiliki kecerdasan emosi yang tinggi, ibu bapa seharusnya
mengajar dan menerapkan dalam diri anak-anak beberapa aspek yang berikut iaitu;
i. Membina hubungan persahabatan yang baik dan harmonis.
ii. Bekerjadalam kumpulan secara harmonis.
iii. Berbicara dan mendengarkan secara efektif.
iv. Mencapai prestasi yang tinggi sesuai dengan aturan yang ada (jujur).
v. Mengatasi masalah dengan teman yang nakal.
vi. Berempati antara satu sama lain.
vii. Mengatasi konflik.
viii. Membangkitkan rasa humor atau jenaka.
ix. Memotivasikan diri ketika berhadapan saat-saat yang sulit dan genting.
x. Menjalin keakraban.

7 things You Can Do to Maintain a Close Relationship Your Child

1.Regularly discuss shared interests(Example: Sports, music, art,technology, movies). Take time to learn about your child’s hobbies to help bond with him or her

2.Engage in extra curricular activities with your child. (Example: Together,you and your teen train for a race;volunteer at a soup kitchen; cook dinner;attend a free concert.) For healthy teenextracurricular activities use our Idea Generator

3.Maintain low levels of anger and emotion when talking with your teen(Example: Keep a cool head, speak calmly, try not to be defensive, give praise and positive feedback).

4.Work through challenges together (Example: If your child had an argument with a close friend and feels his world has fallen apart, talk about how he feels, what might make him feel better, and what he can do to re-engage with his friend.)

5.Strive for honest and direct communication with your child. Find more tips for having a conversation regarding drugs and alcohol

6.Offer encouragement for achievements —both large and small — and be sure to attend at least some of your child’s activities so he knows what he’s doing is important to you. If you miss your child’s activities frequently, you might be sending him a message that what he does isn’t important. If you miss your child’s activities for reasons out of your control(Example: Your work schedule makes it impossible),then be sure to ask him about what happened.

7.Allow your child an appropriate degree of independence. Keeping your child sheltered or being a helicopter parent presents problems of its own. Let her go out with friends, but in the right settings. Let her negotiate with you about what is expected of her,her curfew, what her chores are, and when they need to be completed, etc. When there is a healthy two-way interaction between you and your teen and your expectations are clear it will help her learn to navigate the waters without you.

From :

Here are 6 ways to help you reduce the chance that your teenage child willdrink, use drugs or engage in other risky behavior

1. Build a Warm & SupportiveRelationship with Your Child
2. Be a Good Role Model When it Comes to Drinking, taking Medicine & Handling Stress
3. Know Your Child’s Risk Level
4. Know Your Child’s Friends
5. Monitor, Supervise & Set Boundaries
6. Have Ongoing Conversations& Provide information AboutDrugs & Alcohol

Copy pasted from

Thank You for the article

Monday, April 16, 2012

THINKING ALLOWED : .........THINK....think.....

Bongkar - Ketahui Rahsia Keuntungan Cukong PTPTN

Siapa pengerusi PTPTN?

Jika kita rujuk wikipedia di Link ini [SINI] ianya merujuk kepada Datuk Ismail Mohamed Said nak tengok sila ke FB dia di [SINI]

Pengerusi PTPTN, Datuk Ismail Mohamed Said berkata, Beliau yang mencadangan penubuhan dana itu bersama pelan pembiayaan terhad yang diperhalusi dan telah dikemukakan kepada Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia dan seterusnya dibentangkan kepada Kabinet serta diluluskan .

Bagaimana PTPTN cari UNTUNG?

Bab keuntunggan tersembunyi KERAJAAN diam jer.tak nak dedahkan..wah.. kaya kaya .. apa kata AUDIT NEGARA terjah ASET- ASET Datok Ismail Mohamed Said nih. agak agak kekayaan nya macam mana yer?sure sebut audit jer,mau demam mengigil gigil nih. crony umno.standart lah. kalau tak tipu bukan umno namanya.

Semasa awal penubuhan awal PTPTN ini,sangat kecuh akibat penentangan disebabkan mengapa dihapuskan biasiswa?elok elok ada biasiswa di hapuskan pula.selain tu,PTPTN ni cas koskos riba yang tinggi iaitu 3% dengan menyorok perkataan riba tu kepada pengurusan.sedangkan ianya adalah pembiayaan dari wang rakyat!!

Benarkah kos pentadbiran 1% ?

Benarkah PTPTN tak ada riba?

Benarkah kos pentadbiran 1% ? siapa yang periksa semua ni? AUDIT? or sebagai 1 lakonan sahaja?Merendahkan kadar kos pentadbiran walhal hakikatnya iaitu melanjutkan tempoh bayaran sama seperti Re-finance balik pinjaman dengan memanjangkan tempoh bayaran balik....tak gitu?
Enjoi sakan nampak.
Bagaimana CUKONG2 ini buat duit?ok untuk mudah faham.Dana yang di beri dari Kerajaan.Perbadanan yang menguruskan wang rakyat untuk dipinjamkan kepada pemohon pinjaman .So sebuah badan yang dilantik untuk mengurus ni ditubuhkan dan yang bestnya dato ALONG ni lantik diri sendiri jadi pengerusi beb!

Ini dia Dato pengerusi PTPTN tu.
Rupa rupanya CRONY umno daa....

Contoh bayaran balik PTPTN

Kalau ikotkan ..baki dah zero!! maknanya dah habislah.. Tapi menurut owner pinjaman ni dia mengatakan bahawa tempoh pinjaman nih habis tahun 2019 maknanya tak perlu bayarlah.tapi tengok kat slip gaji ada potongan jer tiap tiap bulan..adeh!!!!!! Apa maksud LRS KONVENSIONAL - UJR [laras konvesional kepada Ujrah] Ujrah, kononya Islamik lah tuh....wayang ker?

3% kepada 1 % ? kos pengurusan daripada bulan bulan bayar lebih kurang 33.00 terus mendadak berjumlah 6.970!! adakah mereka awal awal lagi merembat duit tu untuk di laburkan bagi mendapat RIBA [keuntungan mudah] dari bank bank? bayangkan seorang pelajar di potong sejumlah 7 ribu.darab dengan ribuan pelajar yang meminjam?berapa bilion wang RIBA di kutip dari pelaburan di bank bank ini?

So jika kita kira kos pengurusan yang tinggi nih,maka kita taw.. wang yang banyak ni boleh JANA / creat income jika di simpan dalam BANK!!! . itu 1 hal.. next step kita lihat pula keuntunggan dari TOTAL pinjamman itu tadi. Contoh pinjaman tu RM30 K . adakah pelajar tu dapat sekaligus wang tersebut? no .. no mereka tak dapat sekaligus atas alasan peminjam akan enjoi wang tersebut. ketepikan soal enjoi tak enjoi. Loan ini diberi sedikit demi sedikit,so baki duit pelajar yang CUKONG ini simpan tu ada dimana? tentulah mereka labur kat BANK bank bukan? berapa bilion pula UNTUNG atas angin dari wang terpijak ini pula? Maka tersingkaplah rahsia MENGAPA SKIM DICADANGKAN dan tujuan SKIM ini diwujudkan. Andai katalah kerajaan perihatin akan kesulitan rakyat, Bukan dengan cara beri pinjaman yang kerajaan patut buat,tapi dengan MENUBUHKAN UNIVERSITI AWAM dengan kos yang murah dalam kemampuan rakyat. Bukan buat UNIVERSITI SWASTA yang kosnya mahal sanggat!!!

Reality loan PTPTN

Penat lah aku nak citer pasal SCANDAL KRONY nih.. biar orang lain lak dedahkan pasal nih.. Gua leh copy paste jer dari depa..kehkehkeh ..

P/s : Mintak AUDIT NEGARA jengah sikit boleh tak?

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Another Life Quotes

In the end, it's not going to matter how many breaths you took, but how many moments took your breath away
- shing xiong

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.
- Unknown


As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let us down, probably will. You'll have your heart broken and you'll break others' hearts. You'll fight with your best friend or maybe even fall in love with them, and you'll cry because time is flying by. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, forgive freely, and love like you've never been hurt. Life comes with no guarantees, no time outs, no second chances. you just have to live life to the fullest, tell someone what they mean to you and tell someone off, speak out, dance in the pouring rain, hold someone's hand, comfort a friend, fall asleep watching the sun come up, stay up late, be a flirt, and smile until your face hurts. Don't be afraid to take chances or fall in love and most of all, live in the moment because every second you spend angry or upset is a second of happiness you can never get back.
- Unknown

Never tell your problems to anyone...20% don't care and the other 80% are glad you have them.
- Lou Holtz

"Eleven Hints for Life"

1. It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return.
But what is more painful is to love someone and never
find the courage to let that person know how you feel.

2. A sad thing in life is when you meet someone who
means a lot to you, only to find out in the end that it was
never meant to be and you just have to let go.

3. The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a
porch swing with, never say a word, and then walk away
feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.

4. It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose
it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been
missing until it arrives.

5. It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone, an
hour to like someone, and a day to love someone-but it
takes a lifetime to forget someone.

6. Don't go for looks, they can deceive. Don't go for wealth,
even that fades away. Go for someone who makes you
smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day
seem bright.

7. Dream what you want to dream, go where you want to go,
be what you want to be. Because you have only one life and
one chance to do all the things you want to do.

8. Always put yourself in the other's shoes. If you feel that it
hurts you, it probably hurts the person too.

9. A careless word may kindle strife. A cruel word may wreck
a life. A timely word may level stress. But a loving word may
heal and bless.

10. The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best
of everything they just make the most of everything that comes
along their way.

11. Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, ends with
a tear. When you were born, you were crying and everyone
around you was smiling. Live your life so that when you die,
you're the one smiling and everyone around you is crying.
- Unknown

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.
- Dr. Seuss

"I always knew looking back on the tears would make me laugh, but I never knew looking back on the laughs would make me cry."
- Unknown

Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt and dance like no one is watching.
- Randall G Leighton

"Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't."
- Erica Jong

When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one that has opened for us.
- Alexander Graham Bell

Copypasted from

Some of the Famous Quotes

Wisdom Quotes
1. You can do anything, but not everything.
—David Allen
2. Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
—Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
3. The richest man is not he who has the most, but he who needs the least.
—Unknown Author
4. You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take.
—Wayne Gretzky
5. Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear.
—Ambrose Redmoon
6. You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
7. When hungry, eat your rice; when tired, close your eyes. Fools may laugh at me, but wise men will know what I mean.
8. The third-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the majority. The second-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the minority. The first-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking.
—A. A. Milne
9. To the man who only has a hammer, everything he encounters begins to look like a nail.
—Abraham Maslow
10. We are what we repeatedly do; excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.
11. A wise man gets more use from his enemies than a fool from his friends.
—Baltasar Gracian
12. Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the men of old; seek what they sought.
13. Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
14. Everyone is a genius at least once a year. The real geniuses simply have their bright ideas closer together.
—Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
15. What we think, or what we know, or what we believe is, in the end, of little consequence. The only consequence is what we do.
—John Ruskin
16. The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands but seeing with new eyes.
—Marcel Proust
17. Work like you don’t need money, love like you’ve never been hurt, and dance like no one’s watching
—Unknown Author
18. Try a thing you haven’t done three times. Once, to get over the fear of doing it. Twice, to learn how to do it. And a third time, to figure out whether you like it or not.
—Virgil Garnett Thomson
19. Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.
—Will Rogers
20. People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.
—Zig Ziglar
Funny Quotes
21. Before I got married I had six theories about bringing up children; now I have six children and no theories.
—John Wilmot
22. What the world needs is more geniuses with humility, there are so few of us left.
—Oscar Levant
23. Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.
—Oscar Wilde
24. I’ve gone into hundreds of [fortune-teller's parlors], and have been told thousands of things, but nobody ever told me I was a policewoman getting ready to arrest her.
—New York City detective
25. When you go into court you are putting your fate into the hands of twelve people who weren’t smart enough to get out of jury duty.
—Norm Crosby
26. Those who believe in telekinetics, raise my hand.
—Kurt Vonnegut
27. Just the fact that some geniuses were laughed at does not imply that all who are laughed at are geniuses. They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown.
—Carl Sagan
28. My pessimism extends to the point of even suspecting the sincerity of the pessimists.
—Jean Rostand
29. Sometimes I worry about being a success in a mediocre world.
—Lily Tomlin
30. I quit therapy because my analyst was trying to help me behind my back.
—Richard Lewis
31. We’ve heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the complete works of Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know that is not true.
—Robert Wilensky
32. If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they get smart just in time to ask questions?
—Scott Adams
33. If the lessons of history teach us anything it is that nobody learns the lessons that history teaches us.
34. When I was a boy I was told that anybody could become President. Now I’m beginning to believe it.
—Clarence Darrow
35. Laughing at our mistakes can lengthen our own life. Laughing at someone else’s can shorten it.
—Cullen Hightower
36. There are many who dare not kill themselves for fear of what the neighbors will say.
—Cyril Connolly
37. There’s so much comedy on television. Does that cause comedy in the streets?
—Dick Cavett
38. All men are frauds. The only difference between them is that some admit it. I myself deny it.
—H. L. Mencken
39. I don’t mind what Congress does, as long as they don’t do it in the streets and frighten the horses.
—Victor Hugo
40. I took a speed reading course and read ‘War and Peace’ in twenty minutes. It involves Russia.
—Woody Allen
Otherwise Intelligent Quotes
41. The person who reads too much and uses his brain too little will fall into lazy habits of thinking.
—Albert Einstein
42. Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it.
—André Gide
43. It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.
44. I’d rather live with a good question than a bad answer.
—Aryeh Frimer
45. We learn something every day, and lots of times it’s that what we learned the day before was wrong.
—Bill Vaughan
46. I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter.
—Blaise Pascal
47. Don’t ever wrestle with a pig. You’ll both get dirty, but the pig will enjoy it.
—Cale Yarborough
48. An inventor is simply a fellow who doesn’t take his education too seriously.
—Charles F. Kettering
49. Asking a working writer what he thinks about critics is like asking a lamppost how it feels about dogs.
—Christopher Hampton
50. Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self.
—Cyril Connolly
51. Never be afraid to laugh at yourself, after all, you could be missing out on the joke of the century.
—Dame Edna Everage
52. I am patient with stupidity but not with those who are proud of it.
—Edith Sitwell
53. Normal is getting dressed in clothes that you buy for work and driving through traffic in a car that you are still paying for – in order to get to the job you need to pay for the clothes and the car, and the house you leave vacant all day so you can afford to live in it.
—Ellen Goodman
54. The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.
—Ellen Parr
55. Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn’t.
—Erica Jong
56. Some people like my advice so much that they frame it upon the wall instead of using it.
—Gordon R. Dickson
57. The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you’re still a rat.
—Lily Tomlin
58. Never ascribe to malice, that which can be explained by incompetence.
—Napoleon (Hanlon’s Razor)
59. Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humor was provided to console him for what he is.
—Oscar Wilde
60. When a person can no longer laugh at himself, it is time for others to laugh at him.
—Thomas Szasz

Copypasted from

The Best Quotes

- Kiss on the Forehead: We're cute together .
- Kiss on the Cheek: We're friends.
- Kiss on the Hand: I adore you.
- Kiss on the Neck: I want you, now.
- Kiss on the Shoulder: Your perfect.
- Kiss on the Lips: I LOVE YOU...
- Holding Hands: We definitely like each other.
- Holding you tight pressed against each other: I want you.
- Looking into each other's Eyes: I like you, for who you are.
- Playing with Hair: Let's fool around.
- Arms around the Waist: I like you too much to let go.
- Laughing while Kissing: I am completely comfortable with you.
- If you were thinking about someone while reading this, you're definitely
in Love.
- Add this to ur favorites after reading!!
Or you will have a bad year of Relationships.
- and can't get them out of your head.
- then add this to ur favorites within One Minute and Whoever you are missing
will surprise you.
- :)
(Added 12/9/2007 3:34:29 PM by Katherine_:) ID#:152738)
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6047 Users
We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.
- Sam Keen, from To Love and Be Loved

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My Hobby- playing badminton Part 2

Badminton for Beginners
Badminton is becoming more and more popular and more and more students are taking up badminton as their main sport. Adults are also taking up badminton as their recreational activity in order to burn out calories and get fitter for day to day activities. As we see more beginners, I hope to point out in this article what aspects of badminton a beginner should focus on, as well as point out a few common mistakes that beginners tend to make. We hope this will help your journey into this sport that we all love. First, let’s point out the positive aspects of badminton that will help the up and coming players.


Focus on the correct grip

The most fundamental aspect of badminton technique is the grip. The grip is how a badminton holds the badminton racket. A correct grip is a pathway for a badminton player to improve upon their skills. on the contrary, using an incorrect grip is often a brickwall that leads to poor form and poorly executed techniques. It takes much more time to unlearn a bad technique than to learn one. Many of us have experienced it before the painful way.

The proper badminton grips may feel uncomfortable and unnatural in the beginning, but if you are able to get over that fact, later on you will appreciate what you have learned.

There are two basic grips for badminton, the forehand grip and the backhand grip. We won’t go into much more detail here, if you want to know about gripping, please read the grip guide in Badminton Central. The information maybe overwhelming at first, but since this is so fundamental in badminton, it is worth the time to digest it.

Focus on the correct strokes

The worst part of learning something is to have to unlearn it later on. This happens to many recreational badminton players. We hop into the court, invent all these wild shots that seems right then, but later on to find out that they are the wrong way to hit. Then we spend 3 times the time to unlearn them as they have been so ingrained into our muscles. If you want to avoid that happening to you, it is vital to learn the proper way in the beginning.

To do that, you must find a good coach who can direct you. When you choose a coach, make sure he understands and can demonstrate the fundamentals. Your friend who happens to be playing next court to you may not be the best coach you can get.

Focus on footwork

We cannot stress the importance of footwork more. Footwork is the skill that allows you to move from point to point in the badminton court. While it sounds like an easy concept, in fact it is one of the most difficult skills in badminton. The reason footwork is so important is very simple: if you cannot get there in time, it is useless to have the best racket skill. The Cororary of that is that, the earlier you can get to the shuttle, the more choices of shots you have and the more you can pressure your opponent.

Lee Jae Bok, an ex-Korean national player, once says:

"You hit the shuttle with your feet."

Footwork is one of the most difficult aspects of badminton. It takes a lot of time to learn, as well as a lot of time to practice. It is often less practiced because of the lack of venue. It is quite uncommon and anti-social for someone to take up ½ of a badminton court to practice footwork while everybody waits on the sideline. Despite so, it is still very important. A professional player can move around the court very effortlessly solely because they have very good footwork technique, they do make it look very easy but in fact, it takes many years of very hard work to master it.

Focus on fitness - jog/swim/bike - or do footwork drills

Fitness is one of the many reason many people take up badminton. Depending on the level of one’s game, badminton can be a very leisure game all the way to a down-right fitness torture. Beginning recreational players will likely be moving relatively less around the court, but as one’s skill improve, you will not only notice that you have to cover more parts of the court, you will also have to cover it in greater speed, which multiplies the fitness level needed by many folds.

In order to catch up with your pending improvements in skill, it is then important for you to increase your fitness level to complement it. There are many ways to improve one’s fitness, one popular way is to skip rope, or jog, swim, bike. Doing footwork drills also a great way to practice footwork and develop one’s fitness at the same time.

Focus on keeping track of your progress

Often when one is having fun, you must try to re-evaluate what you have learned and how you are using it. Most recreational players do not do that but it is helpful in identifying potential weaknesses in your game.


Avoid expensive equipment - you will most likely be wasting money

Badminton is solely a game of skills and mind, and not a game of equipment. 99% of ones game depends on how well one can yield the racket but not depend on the racket itself.

Having said that, equipment is still one essential aspect of badminton, and one do need to get the correct equipment. However, the most important equipment that a beginning badminton can own is not the top of the line racket, but instead a good, fitting pair of badminton shoes. Due to the nature of badminton movement, there is a high risk of injury due to twisting or spraining of various leg joints. A good pair of badminton shoes will ensure that you get a good solid grip of the badminton court and vastly reduces the risk of injury.

I’d like to mention one more thing on badminton equipment, often top of the line badminton rackets are not designed for beginners. While they are cool looking and expensive, their characteristics are more suited for advance players with more power. Beginners are best suited to lower end rackets. Your money is best suited to pay for some decent coaching instead.

Avoid trick shots - stop learning those strange shots.

Too many a time I have stepped into a badminton court against some beginning players who can do all these fancy trick shots but at the same time, unable to do a proper baseline to baseline clear. Badminton is a very fundamental game where one really need to learn all the basics in order to survive in a match. Trick shots may work once or twice but soon your opponent will learn how to read them and then you are back to square one.

There is definite a place for trick shots in badminton, but that’s only after one has learned to execute all the fundamentals shots first.

Avoid fancy style - i have so many times seen beginners with really fancy looking hitting style but then they miss the shuttle completely. keep it simple.

Badminton is a very efficient game. The standard, non-fancy, way of playing badminton is the most efficient way for one to hit a shot, there is simply too little time in badminton for one to do all these fancy style.

Avoid strength training - leave this after you have learned your basic strokes

Every now and then, someone will come to badmintoncentral and they want to know how to train their muscles to hit the strongest smash. Which is ok except we later on find out that such person cannot even hit a baseline to baseline clear properly. There is no point trying to hit hard when one cannot hit properly. An example of a proper technique is when I see 12 yrs old girls at 5 feet tall who can hit baseline to baseline clear with ease. Imagine what she can do when she grows a few inches taller?

To close, I’d like to point out that badminton is a very complex game, even advance players learn new aspects of badminton everyday. Make sure you keep an open mind when you approach badminton, only then will you be able to appreciate the greatness of this sport.

Written by Kwun Han


My Hobby- playing badminton


Shuttlecocks (or shuttles if that makes you more comfortable) come in two types: plastic, and feather. In general, beginners play with plastic and intermediate/expert with feather. Plastic shuttles cost more but last a lot longer, suiting them well for players starting out. Feather shuttles exhibit a more consistent flight pattern, and tend to fly faster. They don't last very long - it's not uncommon for international players to go through 20-30 in one game!

You'll need a decent pair of court shoes, preferably indoor court shoes rather than cross trainers (and definitely not running shoes). You'll need to get decent grip with the floor or you'll be sliding around everywhere. And the hall manager won't be too pleased with your leaving black lines all over his court, so get some non-marking soled shoes.


As seen on the expertly-drawn badminton court below, there is a dark red box.  Duringgeneral play the shuttle must land within the opposing player's red box. On the line is in, meaning if any part of the shuttle touches the line (even if it's the edge of the feathers) the point is counted.
The light red shaded area indicates the service area. The shuttle must land in the diagonally opposite side of the court.
The blue box indicates the doubles court for during general play.  Similarly, the light blue shaded area indicates the service area. Note that the service area is short and wide in comparison to the singles court.

Malaysian player Rashid Sidek demonstrates the correct stance for serving in a singles game.
The serving hand must be *clearly* lower than the head of the racket, and the head of the racket must be below the waist. Both feet must remain in contact with the ground when the racket head makes contact with the shuttle.
A player can only score when they are serving. Service is started on the right hand side of your side of the court (when the score is love-all). If your score is odd (1,3,5...) you serve from the left side, if even (2,4,6...) on the right. There are several ways in which a game may be scored (depending on the tournament / club organisers):
Men's singles, and men's, women's and mixed doubles:
1 game to 21 points, if 20-all option for first player to 20 to play to 21, or set to 23. 
3 sets of 15 points each, if 14-all option for first player to 14 to play to 15, or set to 17. 
5 sets of 7 points each, if 6-all option for first player to 6 to play to 7, or set to 2.
Mixed doubles, women's singles & doubles: Same as above; with the possibility of:  
3 sets = 11 points each, if 10-all option to play to 13. 

Holding the racket:
This is an important first step. First, hold the racket in front of you so the head is vertical. Then grip the handle as if you were shaking hands with it. It may seem strange to begin with. Avoid getting into bad habits, specifically what is known as a 'pan-handle' grip (the grip you would use while holding a sauce pan, or the grip you would end up with if you put the racket flat on the floor and picked it up). You will never get any power into your shots playing this way.
The backhand grip differs slightly - the handshake-grip still applies, except you move your thumb flat on the side of the racket. 

Hitting the shuttle:
As beginners, I'm sure you'll just be concentrating on trying to get the shuttle over the net and into the right area of the court. Keep your eye on the shuttle, and flick your wrist to hit it as far as possible. You'll be doing well to put the weight of your body behind your shots, by standing side-on to the net (for right-handed players, face at 3 o'clock), turning your body anti-clockwise as you hit the shuttle:

The player is facing at around 3 o'clock, as he gears to unleash great power into the shot.

The is what you (might) look like after hitting the shuttle.  That's some pretty freaky lookin' high kick there!

Another good thing to do, to ensure you approach your shots from a side-on position, is to use your free hand (left, for most people) to point at the shuttle as it comes towards you (assuming it's an overhead shot, of course).  If you think you'll feel too silly pointing at everything that comes at you then just raise your arm up in the direction of the opposite player to maintain your balance (and your dignity).

M. Ong uses his left arm for balance
M. Ong again, following through on his shot
Didn't your mother teach you it's rude to point? 

After you've just hit a shot, don't just stand around idle.  Keep your racket up; it might make your arm tired but you'll be able to react much more quickly.

Right: Danish player Helene Kirkegaard keeps her 'gaard' up

Serving can be a problem for beginners as they struggle to get enough power into their shots.  Aim for the back of the court, hitting it as high as possible so the shuttle drops between the two back tramlines (for singles play). If you can't hit it that far, avoid simply hitting it into the middle of the court - you'll lose out every time. Either aim for your opponent's backhand side of the service area, or serve it short just over the net.

Getting around the court:
Getting into good position is vital if you want to hit the shuttle with any power.  Do your best to get behind the shuttle, and move into the shot.  If it's behind you when you hit it, your shot will go too high (and not very far).
In order to get into good position, you need to be able to move quickly.   Keep on your toes, so you're ready to 'spring' in any direction.


Hold the racket as if you were shaking hands with it
Get side-on to play your shots
Use your free arm to balance, and point at the shuttle
Get behind the shuttle, and move forward into the shot
Stay on your toes
Have fun!

what i see, what you see ?

 Submitted by christinewang
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I Couldn't Pay My Bills Cause the Goats Ate Them

I Couldn't Pay My Bills Cause the Goats Ate Them

Gypsy and Billy Shakespeare on the front porch
Well maybe I really can still pay my bills.  Actually, I pay most of them on the internet, but I still have them mailed to me.  

But I do have photographic proof that the goats chewed on the mail and scattered the newspapers that were collecting on my front porch.  

......laughing is the best medicine...

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Posted: January 18, 2012 in Life Is MagicLou MajorsMagicThoughts copypasted by mt kinabalu

Unless You’re Under The
SPELL . . . That It Isn’t.

The words SPELLING and SPELL can be traced back to the
time when the act of writing was considered a form of magic
and it is.
Words are powerful magic to capture and control beings.
Look at the programming we accept culturally as truth that
effects and controls our lives as primates – religion, patriotism,
and authority … causing us to give up our natural inherent trait
and power as consciousness to create what we want.
For 38 years, using my life as a laboratory, I have studied and
experimented with the effect of my thoughts, words, emotions,
and actions on my personal experience within existence.
I developed my own thesis on the meaning and basic structure
of existence … The Eternal Cycle.
After all this my best description of how existence moves/operates
is similiar to the way we as humans ‘dream’ ( minus the personality
and intelligence behind it feeding the dream as  they are  not
‘always present’ or ‘constant’ …  they are developed traits ).
Whatever the ‘always present’ essence ‘is’ and our attempt to
symbolize it with words like ‘subjective consciousness’
… ‘beingness’…. ‘energy’…… I believe ‘it’ acts more like
a mind than just energy; and although the constant action
of our collective self appears to be a cycle or pulse of vibratory
expansion and contraction, it behaves more like the activity of a
mind waking and sleeping.
When active or awake, it’s ‘dreaming’ or ‘creating’ is yet another
evolutionary journey of existence to know itself again in an endless
series of awakenings and dormant periods.
And then we have ‘us’ …..
the portion of the collective dream where the dreamer becomes
intelligent and lucid.
I believe each one of us is a portion of our collective self evolving
and learning to know itself and it’s creation within our collective
mind or dream.
So what does this mean to you and me as individuals?
We each have a space within our collective dream/mind to play, to
create, to enjoy. To do this we have to become ‘lucid’ or aware
of who we really are and what’s going on here ( that’s
enlightenment ) and then with this in mind SHIFT to that
new perspective and treat our experience as such.
Continue to dream the old dream of primates and testosterone
and money and struggle and that’s what you’ll get ……….
more of that.
It’s time to take ownership of our dream ‘space’ and create
what we want….after all - it’s only a dream!

Text Only Copyright © 1999-2012 Lou Majors