Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Good Leader, Good Leadership

We need good leader. Because with them , they might bring in good leadership trait. But who know.
A leader is a person who can lead, who other can follow and who can follow lead. Leading by example.
Walk the talk. A good leader accept responsibility. A bad leader seek name and  position, wealth and fame.

An organisation with good leader , will bring in good perfomance, high productivity and suitable work condition

Feel very boring today

Dreaming of good life . A luxury lifestyle. If I can turn back the clock I want to change my destiny by creating new opportunities. By grabing whatever chances that come my way. As it is now too late for that. If I can turn back the clock there were many things that I want do.

What to do. I have two kids. They need my love and guidance  . They need to grow. In a challenging world 

How can I . That my  responsibility.....sigh

Saturday, November 6, 2010

World of sudden climate change

People in the know must appreciate. We live on borrowed air. Who will pay for all this?